The Demogames Facilitator's Manual is published!

We are happy to announce that as of now, the Faciliator's Manual of our project DEMOGAMES is available to download!

The Facilitator’s manual is directed at practitioners in democracy education, and particularly targeted at facilitators. It provides the reader with background information, practical advice, and examples of how to use the games in the Democracy game box.

Download here: [Link]

Our demogames are here!

Our demogames are here!

We are very pleased and are happy to invite you to try out the demogames. You can do so either independently or together with us! We are organising public game events, and are happy to offer democracy game afternoons on request:

  • Democracy Game Box: Download all games as 'print&play' templates and try them out yourself. [Democracy Game Box]
  • 17 August 2022, 6 - 8 pm, Game evening at the office of the Campus for Democracy in Bern: We will play Fake Expert - A Demodice Game and give an insight into our project. The event is open and free for all, registration required via online form until 16 August 2022 (limited number of places):
  • Do you want to organise your own event? We welcome requests for a democracy afternoon, information and registration [here].

Exchange at the regulars' table of the "Polit-Baukasten Basel"

On April 28th, members and interested parties of the Polit-Baukasten project met at the Kinderbüro Basel to get to know each other, exchange ideas and discuss issues and challenges of child and youth participation in Basel. We were allowed to present our projects Demogames and Democracy Building Blocks. Many thanks to the Kinderbüro for the nice organization! For more information about the Politbaukasten Basel, feel free to visit the website:

REMINDER: We still have free places for our offer Democracy Building Blocks in Basel ! Feel free to sign up or contact us via [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].



INVITATION to the presentation "Free my Internet! A graphical journey from infrastructure to shutdowns".

On 04 May 2022 from 13:30-14:45 Dr. Rebecca Welge, co-founder of Demokrative, and Prof. Dr. Tina Freyburg will present the illustrious publication "Free my Internet! A Graphic Journey from Infrastructure to Shutdowns" and discuss didactic applications. The event will take place online via Zoom. register [Here]!

Final Meeting of our project "peer processes - competences for democracy"

On April 05, 2022 we were able to conclude our project "Peer Processes-Democracy Competencies" in cooperation with the Campus for Democracy very successfully! We would like to thank all participants, it was a great pleasure for us!

DEMOGAMES Training of Trainers in Timisoara

From 31.03. to 03.04.2022 almost 40 people with different backgrounds and mothertongues spent some intense days in Timisoara.